The ministry uses the “spiritual thermometer” as the entry point to shape and train believers’ spiritual lives according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is an innovative model that integrates different theories and practices of spiritual formation, spiritual direction, Christian counselling, and psychology, to help believers test their spiritual immunity and spiritual development stage (SDS). Then, according to the current SDS of the users, with reference to the Bible, and in conjunction with the user’s choice, we provide comprehensive holistic services to enhance the believer’s spiritual immunity.
在2020年出版《屬靈探熱針》後,創辦人Candy一直為不同教會,團體,機構及小組,夫婦及個人提供服務,舉辦個人成長課和小組課程,夫婦靈命成長、靈修指導及輔導課程(實體和網上),以聖經為基礎,分享結合靈命塑造,心理學,基督教輔導,及靈修指導的教學及個別跟進。從屬靈引導模式(SG model)及屬靈探熱針,可檢測受導者的屬靈狀況,以理性及感性兼備方式協助他們提升個人及群體屬靈免疫力,從而提升個人在神的恩典中,面對各種考驗(包括試探、掙扎,誘惑,試煉,陷阱等)的能力。在2024年更出版《屬靈探熱針續集》。直至2024年12月已有超過超過40個宗派、超過1500人(超過3500人次)朋友接受過各種形式的屬靈探熱針課程及服務。