【所羅門】說:「耶和華以色列的神啊,天上地下沒有神可以和你相比的,你向那些一心行在你面前的僕人,常是守約施慈愛的; 你對你的僕人我父親大衛所應許的,你都遵守了,你親口應許,也親手成全,就像今日一樣。…(歷下六14-15,新譯本)

[Soloman] and saith, ‘O Jehovah God of Israel, there is not like Thee a god in the heavens and in the earth, keeping the covenant and the kindness for Thy servants who are walking before Thee with all their heart; who hast kept for Thy servant David my father that which Thou didst speak to him; yea, Thou dost speak with Thy mouth, and with Thy hand hast fulfilled [it], as at this day.( 2 Chronicles 6:14-15, Young’s literal translation)

喻意:我們手所作的「屬靈探熱針」SG Model事工,好像昔日所羅門獻上聖殿一樣,希望為神悅納,造福人群,榮神益人。